

If you want to receive push notifications or a clean and (very) minimalistic way of browsing our website, you can now install tapatalk for android/iOS and receive push notifications! I get the notifications around 5 minutes after the message was actually send, but its quite handy to have besides having email :)
If you want to use this feature for minimalistic browsing(although our mobile site is WAY better) and/or for push notifications, then follow the guide below:

Thanks for voting everyone! Saturday was winning with 1 vote, but i changed my own vote from saturday to sunday, because its probaly a bit better for myself after all. So all guild meetings will take place on sundays 8pm. (but starts after game launch) Sorry for those who can not be there, but im sure there are people that want to carry your idea or opinion and give you a recap of what has been told afterwards. Obviously we also have a amazing website for your questions as well should you have them.
The next poll will be one we had before and is about what founder's pack you bought. But since we have a whopping 46 members(!) currently, it's about time we asked again.

Here is the thread with the new poll, or just browse down the news page and you will see it as well.

If you are still doubting what founder pack to purchase, i have written a guide for you here:
I am looking for some people a bit skilled in paintshop and similar to help me design some nice background images for the site. So we have some backgrounds randomly fading on the background. I plan to have the logo of blade & soul imprinted on them, to show the game we play. it will create a nice effect.
If some people can help me with this, it would be greatly appriciated :)

Dear students, please open your history books and browse to chapter 6, section 17 of paragraph 2 at alinea 4, where we shall read about the story behind the name "Cupcake Thunder".

Cupcake Thunder came into existance after me/old guildies/friends were done with the guild drama. All guilds we were in fell apart. First one because a old leader came back and kicked us all. Second because no one was motivated to do anything in the guild together. Third because the guild master was not alot ingame and when he was, he farmed for himself. Fourth guild was awesome until the guild master said he needed to study and was gonna disband the guild instead of giving new leadership. I was so done with it i decided to make my own guild. but because i was doing this together and i actually started with 2 GM"s, we decided to vote on the name. in the end it was a fight between 2 names. Cupcake Thunder and Bunniez. Cupcake Thunder won by 1 vote of all the ~15 people voting. In the end 2 people did not join the guild after all who voted for cupcake thunder. So actually Bunniez should have won. But i decided to stick with Cupcake Thunder since we already had some GVG wins and things were running smoothly. And yeah, we lived long and happily ever after for 1 year and 2 months, before people started to leave and after a while i was also done with retarded publisher gameforge that i merged the remainer into a other guild.....wich also disbanded after ~3 months after the merge. But i do not see many guildies or friends remaining in Tera. like 80% of them left. Gameforge really killed the game.

The name Cupcake Thunder itself was voted for name, because it sounded like fun and it was apparantly a successfull guild on tera NA/enmasse as well. I was the one who came up with "Bunniez".
Website performance is now fixed. Everything should be really fast now :)