My dear Minions and small Devils. The main reason of this topic is to share the things you discovered in the game that is essential and you didn't know before playing CBT and the things that we all should be careful to not repeat in OBT to have a competitive kick start at early game. I will update this post will all the points that we discuss below in no specific order for ease of access. Important Points to Remember 1. In the first week of obt launch if you hit lvl 45 make sure you do all the 3 god mode shrines for {Soul of Mist} item which is essential for creating gold gears of lvl 40 and above. Else you will be lagged by a week in development with the people who done it. 2 . Start stacking the mentor points as early as possible. If you don't know what mentor points are pm me in game or in discord. 3. When ever you are struck in quest read its discption by press on " L " and check if you have met the requriments of quest. 4. Write down the imp things you noticed below so I will add them over here.
My mistake was that i kept running around the storyline finding the golden quest icon, while sometimes i have to do small "green icon" objectives for the story quests. They dont show up on the map so if you are ever lost, look for the green quest icons or use autopath!
aye true sometimes we are too into completing quest we forgot to do simple things they describe in quest discription. Nice quote koni, when ever struck in quest read its discption or other link for autopath in it.
Dont spend Money on Flight Skills. Its a Money Sink and you wont need it until 2 months after release id say
Dont Use up all your Shrine Star 1-3 runs, rather wait til you got better gear and do 2-3 star runs i used all my 3 on 1 star >_>