Back from the dead!

Discussion in 'Guild News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 4, 2016.

By Konijntje on Mar 4, 2016 at 1:06 AM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    While not everything is 100% configured and installed yet, teamspeak and our server are back up running!
    Thanks everyone for your patience in this matter. I have good hopes that this new host means that for the upcoming months we will not have issueses like we faced last month.

    Welcome back! ^^

    EDIT 1:
    That our website went down again has been confirmed as a DDOS attack. The person who we all know by now must have purchased servers/bandwidth in order to do so. Our host has now blocked the source of attacks and altered some configurations and will keep monitoring the situation.
    The management team has also installed additional security against different layers of attacks. The reason the DDOS was not stopped in the first place is because the anti-ddos solution we have apparantly only stops a couple type of heavy attacks. Some attacks can be prevented from the server itself and the anti-ddos solution does not protect against that.
    In any case i am paying for managed server hosting this month so i always have someone with knowledge to talk to when things are acting up.
    Let's hope this fixes the issueses.

    EDIT 2:
    We have renewed our IP address and are hiding it from public this time. This together with the new configurations and software we are hoping this is the last of attacks for the upcoming time.

    EDIT 3:
    The host attacked us on purpose to test our resistance and we should be fine now....Their test attacks were all rerouted or rejected. Its 4:35 and im gonna sleep now.

    EDIT 4:
    Morning. No attacks for the whole night but might be because this shit is sleeping. We'l see how it goes today. I'l be keeping my eye on the server- so is my new host.

    EDIT 5:
    After quite some DC's today it seems to be calm currently. We have made some new settings and configurations that will hopefully help.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
    Kiimse likes this.


Discussion in 'Guild News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 4, 2016.