[May 15, 2016] [EVENT] Find the GM! (Black Desert)

Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, May 8, 2016.

By Konijntje on May 8, 2016 at 3:07 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Time to play some Hide & Seek!

    Upcoming sunday at 20:00 CET we will be playing a Hide & Seek event.
    Not hiding individually but finding the GM- Konijntje! I will hide somewhere in the great world of black desert and then give hints every 2-5 minutes about my location on teamspeak so that you might be able to find me! These hints will start quite cryptic and difficult, but will become easier every time.
    This event will be good for teamwork because the prize will be depending on the time you take to find me, however there can only be one winner!

    The person who wins gets the maximum allowed 30-day payment wich can be around 75k silver daily if your activity points are high enough, however to make you little cupcakes work together the maximum allowed (100%) contract will go down by 1% every 2 minutes for the winner! This will start going down as soon as i have given the first hint. The prize will be distributed for the full length of the contract + you will get a special title on our website of your achievement.

    See you then! :)
    Getfader likes this.
[EVENT] Find the GM!
Posted By Konijntje

Black Desert

Upcoming Occurrences

All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

This event does not have any/other upcoming occurrences...


Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, May 8, 2016.