It's Maywind...again...and again

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Maywind, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Maywind

    Maywind Deus ex machina Ex-CCT Member

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    Family (and main character): Maywind

    Hello there people of the Interwebz,

    I'm May aka Maywind. Im 21 years old with my birthday being on the 7th of December. I was born in the western part of Germany near the dutch border but for my studies I moved to Leipzig in the east. I study "Anglistik" as it is termed in German, the rough translation of it being "British studies".

    I already was a Member and Officer of Cupcake Thunder back when we were playing TERA Online and also in Blade and Soul.
    Here the end result of a battleground we, the Cupcakes, had against Codex back in the earlier days: *Elinminate is Konijntje btw*


    Another nice screenshot I made in my Cupcake time during Alliance PvP:


    For TERA I also made video guides, I plan to do the same for Black Desert once I feel up to the task. My channel:

    Apart from TERA and BnS I played S4League (an anime style shooter), lots of browser games (yeah... I know...) and countless other single player games, my most recent one being "The Witcher III".

    In Black Desert I am maining a Valkyrie, bringing havock in any kind of PvX.

    A pic of my lil character (using this picture pretty much everywhere).[​IMG]

    Looking forward to play with you lads 'n lasses (and be on TS, imo mandatory to come close in a social guild)....Nothing left to say but:

    Kiimse and Epilogia like this.
  2. Mollitiam

    Mollitiam Member Ex-CCT Member

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