
The date and time for the guild meeting before headstarts launch is set. Please be there as we will give information about the payment system for guild donations and weekly payments, we will tell everyone to get ready to start following guild rules wich will go into effect at launch and to use the MIA forum if they cant make it first days.
This prevents you getting kicked, as WE WILL kick inactive people 10 days after headstart goes live if they did not use that forum to notify us of their absence. This activity requirement is not just being online, this is being social with the guild and doing things in the guild. Nothing personal. We will talk about what we see as being active, about payments, other rules, plans what we are gonna do etc. Be there please! Although i will write down some things after the meeting as well.

Click the continue button or check the calendar to see the event's time your timezone.
Increasing your combat power through gems and crafting.


While a martial artist’s clothing doesn’t provide bonuses or benefits to combat, their weapons, accessories, and Soul Shield certainly does. By upgrading a weapon, or finding new accessories or Soul Shield pieces, you can continually increase your power; in addition, stat bonuses can be added through the use of gems. Weapons of higher quality will contain gem slots, and by inserting a gem of a different color (Ruby, Citrine, Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst, Peridot, Diamond), as well as increasing levels of quality (triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal), you can further customize your combat ability.

If you socket a tradeable gem into your weapon, the gem will no longer be able to be traded. This doesn’t though apply to account bound gems, which can still be mailed between your own characters.


If a weapon allows for it, additional gem slots can be added through use of a Gem Hammer, and gems can even be removed for a small fee. The color of a gem dictates the types of stats that it can provide, while the quality will dictate the amount of the stat. You can only slot a single gem of each color into each item, which ensures that you’ll have a variety of improved stats.


Transmutation is a separate process that allows one to use components received by salvaging high quality weapons, accessories, costumes, and gems to improve or create items. Choosing whether to sell an item to a vendor, place it on the Auction House, or salvage it for Transmutation components can sometimes be a difficult decision.
Salvaged Item Component Received
Weapons = Element Powder

Soul Shield = Fusion Powder

Gems = Gem Fragments

Accessories = Jewel Powder

Costumes = Fabric​

You can use Transmutation to combine fabric to create outfit pouches that will contain random rewards, gem fragments (and occasionally some other ingredients) will create gem chests that will contain random gems, and multiples of a particular gem can be combined to create a higher quality version. In addition there are some special event items that will need to be combined through Transmutation to create event prizes.

Be careful, some Transmutation recipes do have a chance...

Merry Christmas Cupcake Thunder!
Since the hint i gave 2 days ago quite some people already saw it coming. The hint "far away on a (google) server" was probaly more then enough for some people to know what was coming. It was alot of work especially writing the text and working out the idea's when we started on November the 15th. It was finished on the 17th of December and it was quite the project. Still not sure what i'm talking about? We had filming events right? Well guess what...Only a bit of snow and a cute wallpaper isn't enough for Cupcake Thunder.
Sorry to had to hide it for so long but may the surprise effect and the happiness from this gift be enough to get you a big grin on the face ;)

For Christmas 2015 i present you....

The Cupcake Thunder Christmas Video 2015!
With special thanks to @Nilesse, @Elo and @Konijntje for writing the lyrics together and Nilesse and me for singing! Also thanks to the guild Insomnia for joining one evening to film with us and a big THANKS!~ to everyone of Cupcake Thunder who participated in the filming events!

Christmas time is near, and we cannot let people here of Cupcake Thunder get away with empty (digital) hands. So i have prepared a gift for you, one to keep close, while yet its far away placed on some google server.
I hope everyone will be able to check this site at the 25th at about 11:00 - 12:00 or later at christmas to receive your free gift of joy. Less then 2 days to go ;)

Last day of last beta is tommorow, so make sure to make your last screenies. Time of doom is approaching, and everything will be deleted on tuesday. And then we can start looking forwards to launch finally!
I will soon plan the guild meeting that will take place maximum a week before launch.