The Redangel is (finally?) comming

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Mina Takashi, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. Mina Takashi

    Mina Takashi New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Family Name Redangel
    Hello hello

    Since Koni was teasing me over and over to join CT again i finally decided to do so... *wonder what he is going to tease me with now that this falls away xP* Since i was a Cupcake back in Blade and Soul :wave:

    So i gonna write an introduction about myself :)

    My Name is Fenfen Redangel(would have been Takashi but that one was taken... meh~), i was up to the day in german guild called Schwarzgeist. (Black Spirit if translated). I followed my big sisters footsteps and became a Tamer. You might ask who that big Sister is... its Konijntje. *

    But lets not talk about me, lets actually talk about that lazy ass Mina that plays me...
    His Real Life name is Michael but he likes it if people call him Mina instead due to reasons. Mina is 28 years old and lives in Germany.
    Minas hobbies all circle around Computers, like Hardware and playing games and stuff. He played quite a lot of games before coming to Black Desert Online. Games like Ragnarok Online (which was Minas first MMO), WOW (which Mina played just a few months), Aion, Tera, Final Fantasy XIV, Blade and Soul and some other that are not worth mentioning Mina says...
    Lately League of Legends but a stone could play it better than Mina does to be honest.

    Uh, what else to say about Mina... i don't know. Though uh Mina is not yet in your guild but but will join once the 24 hours are over since leaving the last guild.
    However, if you don't like Mina... could you please accept me because i really would like to become a cupcake :adore: and get rid of that player~

    *sorry koni i had to bring that xP because Koni and me are basically twins.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    Epilogia likes this.
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    welcome back mina, cant wait to send you the guild invite tommorow :)