Important! Teamspeak and Discord Info

Discussion in 'Teamspeak & Discord Info, Discussion & Feedback' started by Konijntje, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Cupcake Thunder uses Teamspeak for voice, and discord for chatting outside of gametime.

    Teamspeak has:
    - Much better security with advanced permissions and logbooks.
    - More organised due to "windows-like" folder/channel system.
    - Allows class icons/rank.
    - Better voice quality.
    - Less stability issueses.
    - Reliant on our server uptime wich is owned by Konijntje, so almost no downtime.
    - Whisper function that officers use to communicate between each other while being in other rooms and not bothering other players in the same room. This allows us to have multiple pvp party's and still fight as one guild.

    - Voice announcements to hear when someone joins/leaves etc.
    - Faster in use.
    - Lightweight on cpu/ram. (but this will only matter on windows 95 laptops)
    - Uses less data of your internet connection.

    Discord has:
    - Better chat system, auto posting images etc.
    - Better mobile apps.
    - Easy to spread notifications of events etc.
    - Much higher resistance to attackers. (we will use discord for voice in case teamspeak has downtime)

    Teamspeak Connection Info:

    Just navigate to the forum homepage or news homepage of this website and then click the top channel "Cupcake Thunder Teamspeak √" in the teamspeak widget(on the sidebar) to connect. Or connect manually to (not sensitive to capital letters)
    Picture on how to connect through this website:

    Discord Info:
    You can join our discord via the invite on our homepage widget. (right side of the website, scroll a bit down, you'l see a blue "join server" button).
    New guests can only see and chat with the "welcome" channel. Once assigned the friend or member rank, you can see all channels with exeption the officers room.
    Voice chat on discord is disabled. We use teamspeak for that.

    Teamspeak Guest/Member Permission Setup:
    Guests can not move around themselfs. If you are a nice person that hangs out more with us and we like it, you can get a "friend" permission so you can freely move around yourself. Members of Cupcake Thunder are allowed to drag guests around to play together with them, or move them away if they are annoying. This is great for getting random people to talk on teamspeak to finish a dungeon together etc.
    A "friend" cannot be dragged around. A "friend" has the same permissions as a Cupcake Thunder member, but he can not move guests around.
    Guests, members and friends do not have permission to talk in the AFK rooms or home channel.
    Guests, members and friends can not whisper, can not ban or kick, and cannot assign any permissions.
    Guests can ONLY poke and open chat with officers and guild leaders. If you wish to chat and poke other members, ask an officer or leader to assign the "friend" permission to you.

    Teamspeak Officer Permission Setup:
    An officer can assign the Cupcake Thunder membership or friend status while normal members cant. So ask them if you want a guest to become a "friend". An officer can also kick members/friends/guests from channel or server, or remove their permissions. They are however not able to ban them. Officers are also able to use the whisper function. This is used globally on our teamspeak. When we use this function we can talk to all members of teamspeak or specific usergroups, for example when we are going to organise an event or something similar this can be quite handy. Ofcource this is also great for trolling purposes but we will not use it much.

    Administrator Permissions Setup:
    Can do everything his/her heart desires to <3

    Teamspeak Alternate Info and tips:
    - You can see the people in teamspeak by checking out the teamspeak widget on the forum or news homepage. This widget does not automaticly refresh.
    - By clicking a user on teamspeak you can see the class he/she plays, if you are not yet sure of the icons that belong to each class.
    - You can poke someone by right clicking an user then clicking poke. This is why we have the "Pokeable" afk channel, so you can ask someone to do something with you. The other AFK channel is for people who are not at their pc or unavailable.
    - The duck room is a channel you can use to consult the duck spirit for advice if you are unsure about your current financial status, marriage, or if you should get a brick or lightbulb for dinner.
    - The anime channel is a channel made to watch anime together. Basicly it's a copy of the "AFK Pokeable" channel, but with permission to speak.
    - You can not see what persons are inside of the private channel. For obvious sexy reasons. (but we use it to talk things out when there is drama)
    - No, there is no actual music playing in the Officer's Dance Club channel.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  2. Maywind

    Maywind Deus ex machina Ex-CCT Member

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    Princess Koni is unsure about it's gender :eek: