Taking my leave

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shelanoir, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Shelanoir

    Shelanoir New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Hello there fellow Cupcakes,

    I'm not going to write a long one because while I'm leaving the guild, the reason I'm doing so is rather simple:

    I am not going to play B&S after all and I have zero interest in Black Desert, so I figure I'll leave my spot for someone else who is actually going to play these games.

    My problem is more with NC West than the game itself, B&S is a great game, but for every drop of fun I've had with it, came a bucket of disappointment with how little effort was put into this release. This may sound selfish, but I have some standards, and the english version of B&S isn't meeting them. Unfortunately, I've seen this won't change anytime soon.
    I've had a great time here, and I hope you guys will enjoy the game more than I did. :wave:
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    can i ask though what are the disappointments you have come across? i dont think ncsoft is doing much for the game, but they are also not really seem to be on a mission to milk this one dry like gameforge.
  3. Shelanoir

    Shelanoir New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Here goes my list

    Shit tier English translation

    No British English translation (since when American English was comparable to the British one?)

    Good French translation that was consequently changed into a French version of the shit tier English one (thefuck?)

    Bad English community managers (Europe don't even get a English manager and have to go through Hime who is just awful)

    Closed beta that isn't even one, we were given month old builds and almost all feedback is ignored because "it is fixed in our current dev version" (what was the point of the beta again? This also goes for translation, we are given a out of date, broken one and they expect us to give feedback on that). The endless "partnerships" didn't help either...

    Unbalanced content at release (what was wrong with releasing with the lvl 45 balance patch? It's not like our players are going to be esports tier if they are not going to be able to play lvl 50 content in the first place)

    Forums that are just a joke (the dev tracker is still not working and we just finished the last beta)

    Founder rewards that are useless (they can't even bother to make the skin a non-consumable one)

    Do I have to mention how the costume contest was handled through some shitty Facebook voting app? Yeah the one who can be exploited to no end? It's not like they don't have forums with poll systems in place right?

    "It will not be censored"

    I probably have more but I can't find them out right now
  4. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    what got censored? I agree about their shitty forums. i have not yet really been active in the official forums so i dont know about the community managers... It's normal for a game to lag behind KR though for a good 6 months.
    Im quite sad about the weapon skin that can only used once, but its the least i care about in my founder's pack.
    I can understand the frustration. too bad you are leaving :/
  5. Lyncis

    Lyncis Active Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Take care!

    Thank you, I promise you I will ;)