Stourm's Back :)

Discussion in 'Friends & Family' started by Jazz, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Jazz

    Jazz Member

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    Hello all! .o/

    It's bin a while since I was here and noticed small things have changed what is good but more better than the small changes is the fact that the community is still alive and active. So who am I, I'm Stourm from Tera EU a lost sheep that try's to find its place of foolishness. Real name Kriss, age 25 currently living in UK may change in near future.

    So what I'v bin up to these days (gaming related) nothing. Thats right N O T H I N G mostly for the reason I quit Tera a while ago and despite me buying a BNS pack after CBT I even didn't play it, sad but true money wasted again but that's nothing new for me.

    I recently started getting my interest in BDO so after watching 5 or 7h+ gaming revives and finally checking the forum community as I decided to buy the game on the next weekend (cuz. its pay day) I was checking out what guilds are there on EU servers and guess the one that stood out the most XD and so here I am tipping this.

    Currently playing on my potato laptop in RU servers cuz I have to know can I even play this game and I can, what is good. The class that I'm going to main is a Plum, I was trying other classes apart the ranged once but I felt so far the most comfortable whit this one.

    So yhea I'm back I guess :)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  2. Epilogia

    Epilogia Active Member Ex-CCT Member

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  3. Jazz

    Jazz Member

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