Snuffle is here! >:)

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Snuffle, May 16, 2016.

  1. Snuffle

    Snuffle Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Ex-CCT Member

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    I'm Snuffle. For the ones interested, my real name is Wout.
    Uhm, basically, I like gaming, drinking, doing sport with Friends and all things that are considered about the same as the previously mentioned shit.
    I'm 19 years old and I'm studying Engineering at the University.
    I love being social, in-game or not. Some might consider me too active, but that's mostly in real life, so you don't have to worry about that... Probably.
    Atm, I have 2 lvl 50 characters, a witch (Snuffy) and a warrior (Weut). I can play both, but for now I'm mostly playing my witch. I have Steel Taritas gears, all parts +10, which I'm using for both characters. My weapons are +11/+7. This gives me about 140 dp (with acc) and 73 ap. I know this needs work, which is coming. Just have to make some money to invest in that shit. Coming right away!
    For the moment I won't be able to play in normal week days, but that's because my previously owned computer had some bad glitches. I sold that shit, but until I have the money to buy a new computer, I can only play during the weekends on my brother's gaming laptop. That's why you'll only be able to see me then. No worries, I'll fix this, hopefully in the next month or so.
    If you have any question for me after this, just ask. Don't be shy, I'm certainly not! See you in game! :)
    Epilogia likes this.
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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