Meoni Introduction <(^.^)>

Discussion in 'Friends & Family' started by Meoni, May 10, 2016.

Do you like turtles?

  1. Yes.

  2. Stupid Question, ofc i do.

  3. No. I am darkness incarnate and thus have no soul to give to the turtle god.

  1. Meoni

    Meoni New Member

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    Family Name - Meoni. Character Name - Meoni. Everything - Meoni

    Hello there, I recently got invited to the guild and this is my introduction.
    My names Sam irl, Meoni in this and many other games alike. I've played MMORPG's for quite some time, since i think it was Phantasy Star Online on console, then WoW in The Burning Crusade where i spent time in a guild called 'Gank Police' on Frostwhisper Horde. A guild completely dedicated to defending Tarren Mill and low levels as they quested xD. Shortly after hitting lvl 70 i made my own guild with friends met in game and raided Karazhan and Zul'aman. The years that followed saw me join several other guild across all manner of content with some heroic progression in WOTLK and more recently my exit from the game when Warlords released due to losing the core group of friends to real life commitments :)

    KR Tera, EU Tera, Archeage, all the games you might expect someone to fall to after trying to quit WoW followed and not one of them truly captured the social experience i had loved for the 9 or so years i joined up with those crazy bastards to defend a shitty town in a leveling zone all that time ago.
    It's to this end i'm looking forward to playing Black Desert with you all and i severely hope BDO can continue to provide me with the entertainment it already up to this point in time seemed to have successfully achieved.
    It has my interest and i'm willing to put in some hours to enjoy a new community experience here.

    A little about myself. I'm 27 years old, I make subpar youtube videos on a small channel about this and a few other games currently, i enjoy spending time with my family and girlfriend (BlackRose - Also making an intro post as i type here)
    And i enjoy the thrill of killing that big boss thats hard as nails or that group of players that have pissed off our guild for so long, but now we have the upper hand.
    In short. I crave content which i believe we have to make ourselves in this game especially and i look forward to spending many night when im not working achieving many dragon killing points and fat loot. The sooner Valencia update is out the better ;)
    Last edited: May 10, 2016