Hi I'm Lance!

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Lance, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Lance

    Lance New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Hi! Hey! Yo! Hi!

    The name's Lance (Dreamflayer in-game ^^), 22 years old and from Belgium. If I had to tell you what I'm like in one entence, I'd probably go "euhh" for a few seconds and then make a weird sound :p So I'll try my best to put it into words ;)
    I'm always making jokes and most of the time you can find me with a smile on my face. Some might say that pun jokes are bad, but I say, go ahead and PUNish me for it... heh... hehe... HE- ok fine I'll shut my cakehole :x But really though, most of the time I'm all about having a good time, socialising, having banter and making people facepalm but shmirk anyway ;D But everyone can have a bad day, or something has happened or you can't help but feel sad. I have that sometimes, not much you can do about it either. If this happenes to you, or someone else, know that aside from making jokes and bad puns, I'll always be there if you want to talk about something, need advice or just need to let it all out for a sec and rant or cry. *big hugz*

    "But Lance, wtf do you do other than making bad puns?!"
    WOULD YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUS- what? They just wanna get to know me? Oh. Uhum... I knew that!

    Well, I've pretty much been a gamer since I was 14. Monstly MMOs (RuneScape, WoW, Rift, Tera, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2, Wakfu and now BSO) but I play Planetside 2 often, and Overwatch is coming soon too aswell so he he heads are gonna roll!
    I've been a semi-hardcore raider in WoW for 4 years on and off, raided in Wildstar and I'm a squadleader in Planetside 2 :)
    That's pretty much what I do in my free time :p
    I finished highschool and got a diploma for Print-Presser, but I word at Nike now in their distribution center in switching shifts (late shift 14 - 22 and early shift 6 - 14) going into late shift since today (18/04/2016) and it swaps every week. I do work on saturdays sometimes aswell.

    Welp, that's a freaking wall of text, but at least you know me pretty well now x)
    Don't be afraid to ask me questions about anything, there are some things that don't need to be in here, but that doesn't mean you can't know them ^^

    Hope I get to know some more of you soon!

    LANCE TO THE MOOOOOOoOoOoooooonnnn...
  2. Getfader

    Getfader Member Ex-CCT Member

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    (Promised to be 50 by friday. Has a 50 char on Croxus)
  3. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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  4. Xneas

    Xneas New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Welcome my belgium brother :D
  5. Epilogia

    Epilogia Active Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Welcome mate :)
    Another person who likes to PUNch people with bad jokes, I think Silserah found a new friend D:
    (I can't tag people from phone for some reason)