Hey there o/

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Kat, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Kat

    Kat New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    My name is Kat or Ana (BDO family name is Kathairein), I'm from Romania but now I live with Mouby in the Netherlands. I'm 26 and I'm a chef. I studied European culture and politics, but after uni I decided I don't want to have an office job, so I turned my hobby into my career.

    I'm a really random person, even though I might come off as quiet at the start, it's just because I'm figuring out everyones personality and so ;D I love cats *-* ..if my name wasn't enough of a hint :3

    I started gaming with WoW, then moved to GW2 where I met Mouby xD I like(d) playing League of Legends too on the side, support main (yes, i know, girl cliche), but I have a serious love-hate relationship with that game.
    I love how complex BDO is though, and I'm up for any sort of activity in this game. I do have moments when I burn out from grinding and I just go on my boat and fish while watching streams or Netflix :D

    I'm looking forward to spending some time on ts and getting to know you ^^

    o/ Kat
    Epilogia likes this.
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    welcome there kat!
  3. Jazz

    Jazz Member

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