Hey friends!

Discussion in 'Friends & Family' started by Sibila, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Sibila

    Sibila New Member

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    Hey! In BDO I'm Sibila, family: Amigo (don't ask why) a level 50 sorc who's ready for some pvp and obviously other things ;)

    In real life my name is Mads. You can call me whatever you want honestly. I'm used to being called Misty in most other games but Sibi, Sibila or Mads are all fine too. I'm a 22 years-old male who lives in Denmark where I am studying my Higher Education Exams at the moment, which I will finish this summer. Afterwards I'll be working for atleast 1-2 years so I can earn all them irl silvers and maybe go see some parts of the world :) When I am not playing BDO or any other game I'm probably eating, at school, drinking or at the gym :D
    I've been playing a lot of WoW pretty much my whole life where I started pve'ing but after a while I started doing pvp and never went back, so I guess my passion is pvp in most games I play. If a game does not have pvp I do not want to play it. I've also been playing a lot of Counter Strike, even CS:GO eventhough I don't think it feels like the good old 1,6, so I pretty much quit the game after I hit Global Elite twice. That's why my avatar had to be this picture of me and the beautiful zAAz (a pro female cs player).

    I'm not sure if I have any goals in BDO yet. Right now I am just trying to learn since there is so much to learn, and I love it. I guess the only goal I have right now is to be able and ready to play wars against other guilds, and obviously to have fun with you guys!

    I hope you liked my small introduction, I'm a very honest guy, so if you want to know more just ask. I love to talk so you'll probably see me on ts quite a bit :D
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    welcome to our little group of cupcakes!