
Discussion in 'Friends & Family' started by Jaggan, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Jaggan

    Jaggan New Member

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    My family name is Jaggan and my main character is a Wizard named Quothe.

    Hey all, I am a 25 year old guy from sweden studying at the uni and like to play mmorpgs, especially those with heavy and fun pvp.

    When I'm not playing video games I exercise Aikido, which is a form of martial arts, and I like to read alot. Mostly fantasy but it can range everything from fiction too science and religion, why? Because I love to gain new perspectives on things :)
    The main reason I started playing BDO is to be honest because of its similiarites to Knight-Online. Knight-Online was a game focused around skillbased and groupbased pvping, tedious upgrade system regarding gear and gear upgrade through world bosses. In BDO tho there is alot of other things to do besides pvping, which I really havent explored yet but trading seems like alot of fun.

    My aims for BDO is just pretty much to pvp and become as good as I can in pvp, it is the challenge that drives me :)
    I'll do what I can, when I can for the guild. If you have any questions regarding me feel free to ask and I will anwser as truthfully as I can.

    Looking forward to meeting you all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2016
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    welcome to the guild!
  3. Epilogia

    Epilogia Active Member Ex-CCT Member

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