Hello all! ^^

Discussion in 'Ex-BD Members' started by Nate, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Nate

    Nate New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    My name is Nate my family name in BDO is NateNicholls because I have no creativity.

    I am 18 and I live in the United Kingdom. I am currently an Engineering student in my final year of college :)
    Mainly into gaming because that is all I can do so I tend to play a whole lot. In the past i have played many games too many to count a majority being MMO's such as WoW, ArcheAge, Blade and Soul many more. My favourite game Franchise has to be the Souls series, that being Darksouls I, II and the upcoming III and also Bloodborne.
    My plans in BDO are to pretty much get everything and exploring the whole world especially when Media is released. Also maybe try to finally not be poor in an MMO for once xD