Guild will be more strict in the future

Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 28, 2017.

By Konijntje on Mar 28, 2017 at 3:32 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    I want people to be more active within the guild soon.

    • People need to do their guild dailies so they get exp and progress themselfs, but also so the guild progresses.
    • Furthermore i want everyone be able to donate to the guild per weekly basis. Donate 20k per week to the guild OR do a weekly guild merchant run. How to do a guild merchant run can be seen in the guild info channel on teamspeak, or you can simply ask on teamspeak how. Please note to warn a officer or Konijntje when you did the run, so we can administrate the run done by you and count you for furfilling your weekly task for donation.
    • Lastly people need to come to teamspeak more.
    All the above points were made clear when you accepted the guild rules and thus should not be any problem.
    We will start being more strict this week actually. I will check the people who did not do what we expect of them and ask them to change. If this cannot then get better on the next week, we will ask them to find a different guild to suit their needs.

    As always for any questions and concerns you can contact me.


Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 28, 2017.