Guild Meeting of today in plain text

Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Jan 10, 2016.

By Konijntje on Jan 10, 2016 at 8:26 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    To those nubs who didn't come to the teamspeak meeting of today, here is little writedown.

    1. New rule in the guild. At beta there were quite some unknown names and we didnt know who was who. Therefore we are going to introduce a new rule wich requires people to put their ingame name at their introduction topic. We are gonna give everyone 2 weeks to edit this. If we do not see an edit within 2 weeks they didnt read the meeting or were not at this current TS meeting or were too lazy, and we will remove them from the guild.
    Please put your ingame name all the way on top of your introduction topic. This way its much easier to see who is who. This rule will not be on the rule list since this will simply be a requirement at future recruitments. On teamspeak we want your name to be reconisable as well so we know who is who. But this isnt gonna be a solid rule or something.

    2. All rules will go into effect on the 15th of january.
    This means that things are about to change in Cupcake Thunder. We still expect to lose 1/3 of the amount of members in guild because they are not showing up at game launch or have not enough activity or do not pay etc. The time to slack around and do nothing is over. I'm not gonna be lazy in guild rules anymore. We will look at activity on teamspeak and ingame joining on events, dungeons etc, payments being completed and if people fit socially.

    3. Payment system. I will time how much i will play ingame at the headstart and how much money that earns me by questing. After that i will set the weekly contribution required. This will be set in the first 2 or 3 days of headstart. The first week of paying your contribution will be made 10 days instead of 7 days because of the headstart.
    At start the payment system will work by giving me your money by mail. I will then put a X behind your name on a spreadsheet and that means you paid.
    Later on you can pay directly into the guild bank because it requires a minimum of 1gold. Then just contact me or an officer, tell them youre gonna put it in the guild bank, then wait for confirmation of an officer, then pay. Then we put a X behind your name and you paid. If you do not wait for confirmation from a officer or paid earlier or whatever we will count it as donations- Wich we really really need as well or we have to raise the minimum payment requirements. Currently those minimum payments will be made very low so our least-active players can still contribute.

    4. Officers Trial period starting.
    The 15th of this month officer trial periods at starting. I want to thank them for advice so far, but now the real job starts. They need to be there to solve drama, to make events, to post news, to socialise with the guild, to help member learn stuff etc. If you have feedback regarding an officer then tell me. I will talk individually with each officer every week to give my opinion and your opinion anonymously. We dicuss what can be done to improve. If things go well they stay officer. If i dont see enough activity in the things i want and need they cannot stay officer. Trial period isn't a fixed time, its for as long as it takes for me to believe they are capable.

    5. I recommend to start checking out the guides forum and pvp and pve forum of our website to already know a bit how the game works. Ofcource also other sites and guides. Be ready as in 5 days we can play the game! Know your shit!

    6. I would like some people who wanna get to lvl 45 as fast as i do. Who is up for hardcore levelling up? This means dinner, lunch, toilets, sleep and small breaks of 10mins max is allowed. For the rest i want to play fast until highest level. Darkdanjal has already signed up for this.

    7. Reminder that name reservations start tommorow at 19:00 CET (check the calendar)


Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Jan 10, 2016.