Guild Meeting 20 march Recap

Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 22, 2016.

By Konijntje on Mar 22, 2016 at 1:15 AM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Thanks everyone for coming to our guild meeting!

    Here are the points we talked about:

    - New leadership in the guild.
    Pretty much already said a couple of news articles ago:
    Rust has become co-leader. Rust is an person about results and i'm more of being calm and patient. Good combination but it does mean everyone should start treating the guild as semi-hardcore. The time to prepare and lazyness is coming to an end, and i would not like it if i still have to teach people the basics when the limit to reach level 50 is over. Also klazzius becoming an officer.

    - PvP preperation.
    Read about it, learn about it, and come to the arena next weekend for 2 arena guild events. Even if not lvl 50 you can still learn by watching and having fun. Please prepare for the event by buying a simple cheap sword for it so all of our AP will be around the same. So everyone please start reading some guides and watching some duels so you knowalready a bit for next week's pvp event. Furthermore we already have some people doing pvp during the day, feel free to ask klazzius or rust to join in on that fun. Cupcake Thunder is a PVP guild and we need people to start preparing for it. I would also like to start doing a GVG somewhere in the weekend. GVG's are important in this game and can be used to train for sieges later and are a good training and fun in general.
    We have to figure out how to find enemies and how to proper fight them, but quick responseand organisation is an essential part of this. When we ask for you to leave what you are doing and come for the party, we mean it. Sure you can finish a boss or quicklyselling some stuff at the marketplace or buying potions but we need to act fast and come together when we ask for the GVG. Staying together and proper organisation is everything, and people who are lazy will not be tolerated alot of times. Sure you can skip a couple of times. But it stays with a couple of times.

    Also when we organise a raid or multiple parties to fight in a GVG respect your officers and leaders. If you have a complaint or suggestion then ask for it or say it at a calm period of time or after we disband the partys and raid. Sure you can have your opinion but a plan has been made and people should follow it.

    - Activity requirements.
    I told 2 guild meetings ago i would like to note down activity requirements of members but we need a bit more time to exactly see how people are earning these points to pick a right average for the guild members. I do expect to set this in around a week now though. At any way we now start recruiting from level 45+ and above wich will increase next week to 50.

    - Questions and Answers notes.
    Guild missions: We will focus soon to doing mainly grind missions(protect the villagers) because this helps levelling up, getting skillpoints and being more fun and chopping a damn tree 24/7. The trading missions require ppl in the guild to have a certain trading level and you just have to ride a stopid cart to a stopid destination. Then even chopping tree's sound like a tropical paradise.

    General Note:
    Everyone has 3 weeks remaining to reach level 50. Ofcource earlier would be better. Not just for the guild but for yourself as well.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016


Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 22, 2016.