Gaelwen starting officer trial period

Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, May 16, 2016.

By Konijntje on May 16, 2016 at 4:32 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Some of you probaly have seen flareon and serenata not being officer anymore... So i needed some new trial periods for other people to become officer.
    First of those people will be Gaelwen! Congratulations and thanks for wanting to help the cupcakes!
    And to everyone else: do let me know about any complaints, feedback, suggestions etc.
    I am still looking for 1-2 more officers.

    Thanks again :)



Discussion in 'BD News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, May 16, 2016.