
Discussion in 'Ex-B&S Members' started by Quiet, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Quiet

    Quiet Member Ex-CCT Member

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    What's up people! My name is Quiet on BNS Dojo but most people call me Mo, I'm 22 years old from the UK.

    Like everybody else, I'm waiting for Blade And Soul EU as far as MMOs are concerned.
    As for others, I've played Dragonica, Dragon Nest, GW2 (a bit, didn't cap), DC Universe Online, TERA and BNS.

    I don't have too much knowledge on the current state that BNS is in, having only played the Beta in Japan for a short time in late 2014 and the privet server with most of its content. I was studying at the time and my friends had stopped playing so I dropped the game.

    I kill whatever time I have not working at shameless plug my family business www.bushbrushcleaners.co.uk as an Admin playing video games, catching up with friends or listening to music, mostly Grime, a lot of it. I think it's becoming unhealthy.

    I'm a pretty chill person, I just go with the flow of things. I tend to be a little quiet (what a surprise) but if I'm really into a conversation, I won't stop talking. I can also have my silly moments :[

    I still suck at itnros
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015