We have a winnerrrrr!

Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Nov 29, 2015.

By Konijntje on Nov 29, 2015 at 9:11 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Congratulations to Reaper aka Luthais for winning the Race Event of 2015!
    His prize: first week of game launch no guild tax to be paid and a special forum title to be seen in all his posts :)
    Maywind, Melani, Vanai and 1 other person like this.


Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Nov 29, 2015.

    1. Raincheck
      \o/ congratz

      tax free !!!
    2. Luthais
      Thanks Koni!
      The event was fun :)
    3. Vanai
    4. Lyncis
      FEEDBACK for the guild so don't take this post in a bad way but READ please.

      I didn't attend to the event but congratulations Reaper! Nice having a winner and I hope you achieve a great title! But... I don't see the reason why you make a price like having not to "pay tax to the guild" to be honest?

      If I won that prize, I would still want to support the guild with the payment??? Or do you mean the payment is a tax for being a member?? I'm abit confused... I thought it was a way of helping out for the guild perks and to support for upcoming pve events?

      Maybe I got everything wrong about the guild payment system? Is it a supporting fee or a tax? Because taxes (for us adults) is not a good thing... :/

      Let me get this clear: I definately want to pay a guild tax to help the guild grow bigger and support, but you're making it sound like a punishing requirement for being a member of the guild... ? Do I have to win future events to get rid of the taxes? This sounds so wrong...

      In previous guilds we had prices like titles, and we donate money for the winner (like a little from each player never hurt but if you get a little from every member you get alot).

      Hope you understand what I wrote and take it in a good way. Just feedback, I'm not trying to make a revolt or anything ;)
    5. Konijntje
      wuuuut? He can basicly skip the first week of payments. We require guild payments(ingame silver/gold) every week preferred on the saturday or sunday from every member. this will be a small amount you can earn by completing easy end-game tasks/dailies etc.
      If he still wants to pay(then call it donate) he can. Donations will be a part that will level up the guild.

      We might give more of these prizes that allow the winner(so a single person) to skip the guild payment for 1 week or maybe 2 weeks. This is a very small prize since we will not ask very much from people.

      So yeah there is a "tax". we require all members to pay every week a small amount of what we determine everyone should be able to get. because the guild will have 50+ members, thats already a fair amount. the rest of what we need- we hope to get by donations. if that does not suffice we will higher the payment requirement for every week. How to make the payment(the administration) will be some work for officers and me from the looks of it, but is made really simple for our members. it will all be explained before game launch.
    6. Lyncis
      I know that mate, that is written in the guild rules - but then again it sounds like "everyone is doomed to pay guild taxes" but you have a chance to earn the right not to do".

      I'm just suggesting not to explain it as taxes and instead explain it as a fee members should donate to help the guild grow bigger etc. Everyone will be helping. We're a team. Why wouldn't you want to help the guild (especially the first week?)
    7. Konijntje
      yes everyone here is required to pay these taxes. if someone forgets i will talk to them or an officer will. If they talk to us that they cant make it for a week, thats fine and we wont make a problem out of it.
      But if you read that as "doomed to pay guild taxes" makes it look quite bad. this game is made to progress a guild together. it cannot be done alone. I require everyone to pay weekly a small amount, and then we will also ask for donations to the guild bank.

      Just.....read it in a different way so it sounds friendly? xD
    8. Lyncis
      Yes read my text in a friendly way to :) (you must!)

      Koni, I just meant that we should emphasize the payment into something good for the guild and not have earning prizes that " you don't have to pay". Then it make it look like something bad you have a chance of "not have to do". Do you understand me Koni?
    9. Konijntje
      yeah i do, thanks for the feedback. although everyone in this guild should be able to understand its basicly the same thing as a small silver prize he wins/gains. It might be a good idea to also use a portion of the incoming guild money for events, i will ask about that to officers and maybe the guild itself later :)
    10. Lyncis
      and sorry for writing the feedback here... I should have written to you in personal and just say Congratulations to Reaper in this thread ;)
    11. Lyncis
      I just realize... I've been a member for 1 day and the game hasn't even released and I start to get stuff in the guild really serious haha... I guess I'm used being an officer in early guilds... bad habit :)
    12. Konijntje
      not a bad habit, i still need another officer. keep it up and maybe you can become one if interested :)
    13. Maywind
      While "being able to skip guild tax" as a reward might sound a bit lame because as you pointed out, helping the guild should be everybody's interest, you should come to think of it more as a reward for the one person that wins, not as a punishment for everyone who doesn't. Sadly we kinda lack other options to reward players ingame yet, maybe that will change later but for the start everybody needs money to upgrade gear so who would pay for a gold reward? the other guildies? then it really is like a punishment for them.
      We could also just not reward a winner in game at all and just give forum/ts bonuses (a shiny icon or some stuff), but that doesnt sound fun and the competitive feeling gets kinda lost, so no point in having events at all....but tbh i personally love them XD

      So yeah, feel free to give us ideas on how to reward event winners in the future, everything might be worth considering. ^^