Welcome everyone!
(including the people after headstart)
...to revelation online, the real start and launch of the game!
I hope everyone has a good time and tries to learn the game mechanics and possibilities it offers because upcoming sunday.......
...For upcoming sunday i'd like to have a guild meeting where we will discuss goals i have in mind for the guild, and do a PVP Training event to hone everyone's individual skill. Group PVP training will follow at some point, but first its important you learn what other classes do to you and how you can exploit their weaknesses.
Please be there at 20:00 CET upcoming sunday!
Little Warning:
Guild Cleansing is imminent. If people who registered with us, are not online and applied ingame before upcoming sunday's guild meeting, they will be removed after the guild meeting and pvp training event.
[Mar 12, 2017] [EVENT] Guild Meeting & PVP Duel Training! (Revevaltion Online)
Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 6, 2017.
Upcoming Occurrences
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
This event does not have any/other upcoming occurrences...
Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Mar 6, 2017.