Nalle's Introduction

Discussion in 'Ex-RO Members' started by Nalle, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Nalle

    Nalle New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    What is your ingame character name you will be joining with? Nalle

    Are you bringing alt characters? Then please give the names

    What are the classes you play ingame? Vanguard

    Do you accept the guild rules? Yes

    Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Hi everyone!

    So I'll start with my real name which is Janne Salama (btw last name means thunder/lightning, pretty cool name isn't it!!! I was wondering if I should use it ingame but ended up with Nalle which I have been using pretty much my whole gaming period. Ok got little sidetracked there. Back to the business) and Im 26 years old atm. I study welfare technology at Salpaus, Lahti, Finland (yes its already snowing here and its pretty cold already but no I dont drink vodka whole the time and my sentences dont begin with PERKELE everytime, Sometimes maybe)

    Hmm what else I would tell to my (hopefully) new guildies. My hobbies are gym (tho I've been pretty lazy with that lately), computers, electronics, photography, editing my photos (no I dont mean instagram editing :D) and some other stuff that I dont remember just now. OH and gaming, the most important stuff. I have been gaming since I got NES when I was little boy and I got my first computer at age of 10 I think. My earliest games were Age of Empire, Red Alert and some other games like that but I got into mmos much later in my life and my first mmo I played seriously was Cabal Online. Some of you might have heard of it but its a Korean grind mmo.

    Ok I want to know more just ask me I love to chat ingame and in ts. Normally I dont speak that much english so might be little quiet at start but I'll get over it soon :D.

    Hope we meet soon ingame^^
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Welcome mr thunder :confident:
  3. Epilogia

    Epilogia Active Member Ex-CCT Member

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    Welcome ^^
    Nice to see such a long introduction :D
  4. Masuzu

    Masuzu New Member Ex-CCT Member

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