I hope everyone had a good christmas and that you stuffed up your stomachs until explosion was imminent, and i hope that you may enjoy the old/new year celebration just as much!
From me and the guild, have a good upcoming 2017!
From me and the guild, have a good upcoming 2017!
The upcoming Revelation Online beta starts the 20th of December!
With that, i would also like to announce a new guild event, where we will be making our own promotion video for the guild! I'd like everyone who can be there, to be there!
The 21th and 22th of December i would like to start filming with the guild in the evening!
We start at 20:00 CET in the evening, and finish at about 21:00 CET in the evening on these 2 days!
See you then!

Since we have a bit less then 60 members now, i would like to know what the class is you plan on maining as it currently stands.
Please take your pick in the following topic:
We have a new guild rule that will prevent confusion of who is who on discord/teamspeak and ingame.
We already had the guild rule to use the same name on teamspeak as ingame (or something close) but now we want to take this rule to discord as well, so its much easier to see who is who.
Please edit your nickname in discord according to your ingame name/teamspeak name so its much easier to see for everyone.
The rules on teamspeak and on the forums has been updated to show this to new members as well.
Click here to see how to change your discord nickname in our server.
Before the ending of CBT1 I would like to make some awesome screenshots of the guild together!
This will be done upcoming sunday at 21:30 CET!
We will be making some screenshots at our base and at the beach!
Hope to see you all there!
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