The Recipe Farm

Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Luthais, Jan 23, 2016.

By Luthais on Jan 23, 2016 at 8:26 PM
  1. Luthais

    Luthais Member Ex-CCT Member

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    As the title said, we need 2 group of 4/5/6 clan-member to farm the recipe today.
    I hope alot of people could come, so we have more chance to get the recipe
    At the moment Luthais (me) are the only one who can craft it, and it takes 1 day to craft 10 stones so its very slow
    The more the better! This is for our clan-member to get they're gear faster, so please be there!

    We will do it everyday for about 1h - 1h 30min
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016

What would you like to do? (Read before you vote)

  1. 1

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  2. 2

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Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Luthais, Jan 23, 2016.

    1. Darkdanjal
      Im on charcter screen atm, I see no queue lol :p, Ill try to be there :p
    2. Luthais
      That's good !
      The more the better :D
    3. Darkdanjal
      Today the same? Would like to be in group with Vanai, Trapa and Cat again if possible :p, 2 BMS and 2 Zerkers makes for a very fast group;-)
    4. Luthais
      Sure, if they are here only xD
    5. Luthais
      As you already know we have been farming for the Moonwater Secret Technique: Merry Potter almost everyday, so we thought about many ideas to get the recipe.. and we decided to farm until Saturday, and we will stop!
      Because this is just way too slow to get 10 stone each day.

      So what we will be doing when we stop the recipe farm, we would like to have either:
      1) 9 Members to donate 12 soulstone each, this will include the leader and officers for sure.
      2) 22 Members to donate 5 soulstone each, and of course the leader and officers.
      3) To gather 50 Gold to buy the ingredients for the stone.

      But, if we actually get the recipe from one of those days, maybe, we don't need to do that.
      (2) If there is 9 members who could do that, please reply.

      In my opinion we should at least 3-4 members who is active and can craft it always for the clanmembers, but we actually just need 1-2 more since we aren't that much members in the clan at the moment, and they're not that active.

      - Luthais
    6. Darkdanjal
      iSeems ok to have like 3-4 extra for now. Later we all need 23 more stones extra when entering the silverfrost area for the weapon before you start crafting silverfrost stones (pain in the butt for recipe as well...;-), if I remember correctly the next one drops in Hell Gate mansion, 6 men party purple dungeon)

      If all goes well on auction house ;-), Ill buy the recipe tomorrow or at latest Friday (for myself), Like I said on TS once I have it Ill craft another 10 moonwater stones, sell them and Ill buy another recipe for the guild then ( at that phase any guildy who would like to donate a few gold can, this is absolutely not needed but it will take a bit longer to craft the first 10 moonwater stones alone), Ill give it to someone who is active up to you, koni and maywind to decide then.

      And if we are a bit lucky this week we will have another recipe while farming.

      Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    7. Catharina
      Hopefully my dailies are faster done today than yesterday, so i would have more time for the farming :/
    8. Luthais
      That's very nice of you!
      I will do the same, maybe on Saturday there will be another recipe for our members :)
      I'm stopping the ordering from stone for a moment to make 10 stone and sell those for the recipe
      But, the problem is there aren't that much active in our clan to be honest.. I see about 20-25 active members a day or even lower, and we need about 9 members to collect those soulstones
    9. Luthais
      I'm gonna do mine about 4:00-5:00 PM, maybe we can do it ?
    10. Darkdanjal
      Alt levelling my forcemaster, she is at 34 atm, also luthias I still get the 2 stones from ordering yesterday right? Kinda need the money for those as well :p, after that do what you want :p
    11. Darkdanjal
      WEll I need to go to the mall first, then Im online, then dailies, then maybe be farming, problem is atm during week its harder to farm, especially when you need to get up every day at 5AM:p, yesterday fell a sleep again after dinner around 19 o clock, slept until 2 in the morning, then came back on, ask Luthias he saw me :p
    12. Luthais
      Of course :)
      In progress.. :D
    13. Catharina
      cutey i'm working :(
      this week till thursday: 18:30 at home
      friday even later: 19:30
      and right now, work is kinda harsh T_T
    14. Luthais
      That's hella late :O
      How long do you work actually?
      Server is down atm till 4:00-4:30 PM MY GAD
    15. Luthais
      As you already know we have been farming for the Moonwater Secret Technique: Merry Potter almost everyday, so we thought about many ideas to get the recipe.. and we decided to farm until Saturday, and we will stop!
      Because this is just way too slow to get 10 stone each day.

      So what we will be doing when we stop the recipe farm, we would like to have either:
      1) 9 Members to donate 12 soulstone each, this will include the leader and officers for sure.
      2) 22 Members to donate 5/10 soulstone each, and of course the leader and officers.
      3) To gather 50 Gold to buy the ingredients for the stone.

      But, if we actually get the recipe from one of those days, maybe, we don't need to do that.
      (2) If there is 9 members who could do that, please reply.

      In my opinion we should at least 3-4 members who is active and can craft it always for the clanmembers, but we actually just need 1-2 more since we aren't that much members in the clan at the moment, and they're not that active.

      - Luthais
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    16. Konijntje
      I vote for 2, but then 10 soulstones per person. This would ensure we get 2 recipes wich are needed.
    17. Luthais
      Alright that's not a bad idea I take it to the vote
    18. Flex
      I'm happy with options 1 or 2, so count on my donation if we are still looking at these options.

      As I said, I'm all for continuing to farm the recipe regardless because the more people that have it the more it benefits the guild, but not having it yet is time wasted and people falling further behind.
    19. Shyv
      I vote 2 ... since we are a guild everyone should donate for the greater good =)
      Im personally farming Brightstone around 12 times a day to get the recipe for us... but still no luck... ill try on tho =)
      Catharina likes this.