Important! New guild rule: No killtrading!

Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Jan 23, 2016.

By Konijntje on Jan 23, 2016 at 1:42 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    A new guild rule is introduced: No killtrading! I have seen many people trying to killtrade to get the faction dailies done, but Cupcake Thunder will have zero tolerance for that. Getting caught by killtrading or trying to, even if its a screenshot, we instantly banish that person from the guild. Killtrading is abusing the system and is bad for our guild's reputation.​


Discussion in 'BnS News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Jan 23, 2016.

    1. Getsugo
      Weird question but does wintrading also fall under achievement farming?
      Like someone who wears bamboo outfit kills me wearing blackram 1000 times for achievememt
    2. Lyncis
      Well, it's a waste of time killtrading when you can do the daily so much faster by going around in group - so I don't think you have to worry that people actually would do that. Considering the achievements... back in WoW people use to killtrade alot for the achievements, alliance & horde teamed up. Exploit? Nobody cared. I don't think people really care if someone would killtrade in blade & soul either to get their dailies done.

      But seriously Koni, so much "don't do this and you will be kicked from the guild" lately... I have seriously seen more "warnings" posts lately then encouraging posts. What is up with this? Is this a social guild or is this a police station?
      Kiimse likes this.
    3. Konijntje
      sorry you felt this way. This is something i held for common sense, but wanted to be transparant about this to the guild.
      Im not really threatening around with kicking people though. We gave free to play players more time as well to pay etc. I do apologise for the changes in guild rules, stuff happens especially at a start of a new game.
    4. Catharina
      stupid question but what is killtrading? o.o
    5. Luthais
      There's a quest you get from the faction in dailies, which you need to kill some of the Cerulean players
    6. Catharina
      so it means making an agreement with a blue one to kill each other to get the quest done? = killtrading?
    7. Luthais
      Yes, that's what killtrading is :D