Should we do dailies together at a pre-set time?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Konijntje, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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  2. Darkdanjal

    Darkdanjal Member Ex-CCT Member

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    For me thats a very bad idea, especially during the week, weekend however is different :p, I think its very hard to do, people studying, working etc..
    Kitsu likes this.
  3. Flex

    Flex New Member Ex-CCT Member

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    It's a great idea that will benefit a lot of people and allow us to do something collectively. I would just object to making it mandatory, although I think you'll find that most will do it. Very many of us have alts so we can continue to do dailies when we choose on those, but reserve the time to doing Guild dailies too.

    Dark, I can't agree with you. Regardless of what time is chosen, it's inevitable you cannot fit around everyone's play time. You can, though, try to help the majority. You're basically saying 'if we can't help everyone then don't help anyone', which is stupid.
  4. Darkdanjal

    Darkdanjal Member Ex-CCT Member

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    I was referring to myself Flex indeed but bringing up the alts is indeed a good idea however I think some players are casual and others have jobs, studies and so on...ive seen some guildies wanting to do poh 6/factions later in the evening and everyone was doing there own thing or completed it.

    Not everyone has alts and plays 24/7, how about the members that are really falling behind and only have one character to play? Because we still label ourselves as a casual to semi hardcore guild, later on they will fall so far behind that they will loose interest all together

    That I think is the real problem, I have no problem completing the dailies myself. Its a good idea in general but not for casual players I think as a casual player you dont play that much and being there on a fixed date wont be easy for them either.
    CheezeZ, Catharina and Kitsu like this.