The importance of having Accuracy for pvp (with lvl differences)

Discussion in 'PVP Talk' started by Haiko, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Haiko

    Haiko Member Ex-CCT Member

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    As mentioned before, accuracy plays part in your hit/miss percentage together with DP

    I Found the table displayed before with someone testing this:

    DP = enemy defense
    Accuracy = accuracy of the attacker
    Hit Rate = % of attacks hit
    Miss Rate = % of attacks missed
    Lvl difference = attacker lvl vs defender lvl


    On it's highest lvl you can see that:
    Against an enemy that has 155 DP and is 2 lvls ahead of you, you will still hit 80+% of your attacks if you have 34 accuracy. and on targets that are 1 lvl below you, you should be able to hit 100% of your attacks with an enemy dp of 85.

    Sadly certain weapons have "hidden Accuracy values" so it will be hard to determine how much you exactly have.

    Here is the full doc:
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
  2. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    that is quite useful. in general it seems we dont need to worry about it. If you dont have enough accuracy to kill a lvl55 while being lvl50 doesnt matter, since if you do damage it wont be alot anyway.
  3. Haiko

    Haiko Member Ex-CCT Member

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    True, but it's still useful to know when you want to hit people 2 lvls above you.
    They also tested evasion stat in the document