Stourm's Introduction

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Introductions' started by Jazz, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. Jazz

    Jazz Member

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    What is your ingame character name you will be joining with? Stourm

    Are you bringing alt characters? Then please give the names no

    What are the classes you play ingame? Mage

    Do you accept the guild rules? Yes

    Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Well I'm a returning member to be hones so sort of like a lost veteran that got stuck to its past joys in my case that would be Tera thats as well where I met Cupcakes and let my tell u dont underestimate them. I had some great time in Tera being in the guild but than I quit the game and the guild had some hard time as well in game if not mistaken but as you can see the guild has made some surprising reappearance.

    I did once speak whit Koni about Revelation asked if the game is worth the my time but cuz it did resemble so much to BnS a game I was not really found off and I enjoyed the combat of Tera I drooped it but after some good wile I got bored of Tera a game I played since 2013 I was thinking to rejoin it on the new class release but than Revelation struck me and I tell u what, that game is addictive if u can ignore the half ass work in voicing and translation.

    I started whit a gunner but some how it did not fit to me than jumped to the spirit after a while when I hit lvl 42 I thought to check out the forum and see whats what and guess whom I found there ... thats right The Cupcake Gang so no second thoughts on I went straight to the forum reactivated my account and got on discord and here I am making a intro XD

    So a bit on me: I'm 27 live in Sweden before that in UK, real name eeeem lets, get first to know each other kay ^^ to be hones I bad whit intros but if u want to know me better ask me on Dcord all u want and I 'll try to satisfy ur curiosity.

    Regards Stourm
  2. ReborN

    ReborN New Member CCT Revelation Officer CCT Revelation Member

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    Good to hear it buddy!! Has anyone invited you in game yet??
  3. Kiimse

    Kiimse Active Member CCT Revelation Member

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    Well, welcome back I should say then!
    :) Enjoy your stay in CCT!!