Spirity's Introduction

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Introductions' started by Spirity, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. Spirity

    Spirity New Member CCT Revelation Member

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    What is your ingame character name you will be joining with? Spirity

    Are you bringing alt characters? Then please give the names

    What are the classes you play ingame? Spiritshaper and Occultist

    Do you accept the guild rules? Yes

    Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Hello!

    Not that epic at introductions.. I've played RO since the 3rd CBT, couldn't choose between occ and SS so I ended up making both. My occ's in SilentEclipse, and I wanted to join a guild on my SS as well :)
    Cupcake Thunder made me laugh, so hence the application!
    Being in two guilds will make it a bit difficult to do guild events in both.. so I'll try to balance that ^^ if you guys don't like how it pans out feel free to boot me :p

    now about me.. I'm a 29 yr old dutchie who lives in france, has a 2 yr old daughter and a dog that thinks she's still a puppy despite being 35 kg and too big to fit in my lap ><
    I also tend to be kind of a pervert with regards to wordplay in my comments.. but I guess you'll find out about that soon enough!

    Anyway, that's about it... Looking forward to meet you all :)
  2. Kiimse

    Kiimse Active Member CCT Revelation Member

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    Welcome to CCT Spirity.
    Enjoy your stay and eat some good Cupcakes!!